5 Tips for Choosing a Font in Designing an Infographic

5 Tips for Choosing a Font in Designing an Infographic

Choosing the right font for infographic is essential as it is one of the factors that can attract the audience’s attention. In this article, we will discuss tips on selecting a font to design an infographic to amaze your audience.

1. Consistency
Make sure font that being use complement each other if you use different types of fonts for your infographic.

The Guardian

Try to maintain uniformity or consistency of fonts in your infographic design. This is a crucial component for creating a professional value. If you use different types of fonts, make sure that they complement each other and create a harmonious visual hierarchy.

2. Alignment with the Message
Fonts can convey different emotions and messages.  This font suits Greek gods infographic.

The Greek Gods

Take note of your message and the tone of the infographic when selecting a font. Fonts can convey different emotions and messages. For example, bold and uppercase fonts may be suitable for headlines, while decorative and casual fonts may serve as descriptions or subtitles.

3. Size
If your infographic is printed, you may have more variety and effective font options.

Photo by Firmbee.com on Unsplash

The font size in your infographic should be compatible with the selected medium. If your infographic is shown on a small screen, such as a smartphone, choose a font that is easy to read at a smaller size. On the other hand, if your infographic is going to be printed and displayed on a big screen, you may have more variety and effective font options.

4. Contrast
Consider using different fonts to appeal to the audience when presenting infographic.

Hello Print

Consider using different fonts to appeal to the audience. Various fonts can guide the reader’s direction to what matters in the infographic. However, do not overdo it in the amount of fonts used. Using too many different fonts can make your infographic look disorganized.

5. Test and Feedback
Get feedback from others to help you decide by create multiple versions of infographic with different fonts.

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Finally, don’t be afraid to try different fonts in your infographic design. Create multiple versions of infographic with different fonts. Then get feedback from others to help you decide. Try experimenting with different font sizes or combinations to get the most optimal results.

6. Bonus: Legibility
Avoid too decorative fonts or your audience will have difficulty to understand what you want to convey through out your infographic.

5 Fascinating Font Infographics

Make sure that the font you choose is easy to read, even at a small size. Avoid too decorative or complex fonts. This makes it difficult for your audience to understand what you want to convey. Sans-serif fonts such as Arial, Helvetica, and Roboto are very popular in the designing infographics as they are cleaner, modern, and more readable.


Keep in mind that the font you choose for your infographic should increase the attractiveness of your message. By considering the factors discussed above, you can choose the right font to increase your infographic value to communicate your information effectively.

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