Infographic Component

7 Infographic Components that Increase Production Speed By 50%

Do you want an eye-catching infographic? I will share 7 important elements that should exist in the infographic that increase 50% speed of your production. It doesn’t matter what platform you are using, whether it’s PowerPoint, Canva, Illustrator, or Pixtochart.

The important thing to know is that attract our attention, not necessary to have beautiful graphics. This is because the basis of it is communication.


As with the previous infographic article I’ve been working on, we dive into the meaning of it. Infographics are one of the methods of visual content marketing. It helps to turn a boring or complex topic into an interesting format. Ideally, infographics should be visually attractive. But it should be informative, contain relevant subjects, and have clear data.

Infographics Element

Photo by UX Indonesia on Unsplash

We as humans use one of our senses, which is vision. And the mind can quickly read to capture images rather than text. People tend to scan information by storing visually important information. Again, the information is interesting.

Let’s start looking at the elements that need to be present when building the infographics:

1. Informative Titles and Subtitles

Infographics facilitate long or complex data by presenting it in a visually convenient form. You want readers to absorb information quickly. One way is to include an informative title and subtitles. It has to be crystal clear.

Informative Titles and Subtitles
2. Data

Data is the most important infographic component. Try to recall it during our collage. We have to write reports and reference sources in articles or essays and it have to be authentic. The infographic is the same as this school report. You need to make sure your data is accurate and use authentic sources.

3. Hierarchy Law

Hierarchical law means how we highlight the infographic layout, determine the direction, and give the audience a unique experience. This is important when there is a lot of data that you want to convey in a limited space.

Literally, hierarchical means a visual system-based order in which things are arranged according to priority. For example, the title of the infographic is always at the top and the font size is large. It should be easy to see, read, and understand at first glance. It is similar to the method adopted by newspapers or magazines. Titles are the most important thing.

Use this hierarchical technique for your infographics by creating a draft before designing. We also need to analyze the content and identify the important parts first. The diagram below is a summary of how hierarchies work in the infographic layout.

Hierarchy Law
4. Typography

You have heard of tips that not using more than 3 different fonts. Inevitably, these suggestions can be considered as principles. I usually use only 2 fonts. That’s too much for some experienced designers.

As designers, we can easily choose the font we need from our storage library. Every year, a new font is introduced. Although there is nothing wrong with using a new and interesting font, you need to make sure that the font fits the theme of your infographic.

As an analogy, imagine font as wearing clothes that suit us. And the outfit should be similar to the curtains and wallpaper. It is necessary to work together thoroughly and not stand out from each other. And yes, there is a psychology that is dependent on typography; that’s why it’s so important.


We never underestimate the font and also the color. Both are the first things viewers see when they look at our infographics. If you’re using a unique new font, it should make sense with your message and your entire visual. It also has easy-to-read features, so keep yourself away from using graffiti fonts.

Here are some examples of design elements used in the infographic:

Unique font
5. Graphs and Charts

Do not expect the graphs and charts in the infographic are similar with the look and feel in your Excel. It’s totally different. Graphs and charts in infographics display data in a unique and creative way. This is where the designer will use all their creativity to highlight the data.

The type of graph or chart used depends on the data and storytelling. For example, when displaying data about humans, consider using human icons in a chart. Or another example, using a graphic to replace a number.

The use of large numbers of charts and graphs can burden the reader. Try to avoid it. To tell stories with infographics, we need a balance of graphs, charts, and designs. Here are some examples of graphs and charts in the infographic:

Graphs and Charts
6. Clear and organized storytelling

Readers don’t just read our infographics at a glance. But, they often want interesting storytelling. The infographic should be clearly compiled and straight to the point for the reader. This allows the reader to digest the information by the right method.

7. Color Harmony

To choose the right color for the infographic, we need to “sacrifice” some time and understand the message of our design. The audience that will read it.

The color combination used in the infographic should be a harmonious color. The meaning of a harmonious color is the color referred to as the color wheel.

These tips and steps will ensure that the colors in your infographic communicate with each other. For sure, a systematic combination of colors and the right colors can help us find mesmerizing infographic design ideas and inspiration.

Color Combination
Let’s recap!

With these 7 elements in mind, we will be on track to build an infographic that catches the reader’s attention. In addition, our objective of building an infographic will be achieved. In the course of building it, make sure that we can be parallel to this element so that the result will satisfy us. Remember, keep it simple, focus on the story, and use accurate data. Need infographic services? Visit here.

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